Friday, January 24, 2025





Collected ,Compiled,Edited and Presented by:-



Vertigo is a sensation that the surrounding is revolving or spinning around in circles.and it may be associated with dizzziness and unsteadiness. Vertigo is a symptom of several pathological conditions rather than a disease by itself, Several other symptoms may coexist along with vertigo.

Other symptoms that coexist with vertigo include:

1.Nausea and vomiting.



4.Hearing loss in one or both ears.



7.Motion sickness.

8.A feeling of fullness in your ear.


Types of vertigo

There are two main types of vertigo: peripheral and central.

Peripheral vertigo is the most common type.and it happens with inner ear problems and the Vestibular Nerve dysfunction 

The types of Periferal Vertigo include:-.

    1.Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV).


3.Vestibular neuritis.

4.Ménière’s disease.

Central vertigo is a less commoncommon and  It occurs in cerebro vascular problems like infection, stroke or brain trauma.Symptoms of central vertigo are more severs like severe instability or difficulty in walking.


Causes of Vertogo are variable from person to person and may include:

1.Migraine headaches.

2.Certain drugs like  antibiotics, anti-inflammatories and cardiovascular drugs.




6.Head injuries.

7.Prolonged bed rest.

8.Herpes infection in or near your ear.

9.Ear surgery.

10.Perilymphatic fistula ,laekage of lymph from inner ear to the middle ear

11.Hyperventilation (rapid breathing).

12.Orthostatic Hypotension

13.Ataxia (muscle weakness)..

14.Multiple sclerosis (MS).

15.Acoustic neuroma.

Complications of vertigo

Vertigo can cause  frequent and unexpected falls, which may result in  fractures  and other injuries. Vertigo can also interfere with quality of life and interfere with the ability to drive or go to work


A proper history and Clinical examination will give a clue to tha diagnosis

Vertigo diagnostic tests

Certain tests manouvers are performed to make a diagnosis of Vertigo. These tests  include:

  • Fukuda-Unterberger test. Walking on a straight line for 30 secs with eyes closed if it causes swaying to one side it may suggest an inner ear Labrinthitis
  • Romberg’s test. Standing errect with eyes closed and the arms close to the body and the feet together and if it causes unsteadiness, it could mean that that there is an issue with thenervous system  
  • Head impulse test. For this test, with the eyes focussed on one point and head is moved side ways on both sides and if there is a Nystagmus like eye movement can tell if there’s an issue with the inner ear
  • Imaging tests: These may include CTscans or MRI


Vertigo treatment depends on the underlying cause.

Treament Options

    1.Repositioning maneuvers.

2.Vertigo medication.

3.Vestibular rehabilitation therapy (vertigo exercises).


Repositioning maneuvers

Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV) occurs when tiny calcium carbonate crystals (canaliths) move out of the utricle in the inner ear  into the semicircular canals. This can cause vertigo symptoms, especially when there is  change of head position.

Canalith repositioning procedures, can help shift the crystals out of the semicircular canals back into ther utricle. These maneuvers consist of a series of specific head movements.

Vertigo medication

Drugs may help in some cases of acute vertigo. Drugs usually recommended for motion sickness like meclizine or dimenhydrinate) and antihistamines (like cyclizine) to ease vertigo symptoms.

Vestibular rehabilitation therapy (vertigo exercises)

Vestibular rehabilitation therapy usually involves a range of exercises to improve common vertigo symptoms like dizziness, unstable vision and balance issues. Exercises may include stretching, strengthening, eye movement control and marching in straght line.


It’s rare, but patients might need surgery when a serious underlying health issue — like a brain tumor or neck injury causes vertigo. Surgery is typically only recommended when other treatments don’t work.

Living with Vertigo

It’s not always possible to get rid of vertigo without the help of a Medical care. But here are some things that can be tried  at home to ease  symptoms:

  • Move slowly when standing up, turning your head or performing other triggering movements.
  • Sleep with the head elevated on two pillows.
  • Lie in a dark, quiet room to reduce the spinning sensation.
  • Sit down as soon as you feel dizzy.
  • Squat down instead of bending over at the waist when picking something up.
  • Turn on the lights if you get up during the night.
  • Use a cane or walking stick if you feel like you might fall.

Cure for vertigo permanently

Unfortunately, there’s no sure way to get rid of vertigo permanently and keep it from coming back. Some people have vertigo once and never have it again. Others experience recurring episodes.

If there is severe or frequent vertigo, the experts have to be cosulted to manage symptoms and improve the quality of life.




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